#IAmBrave: The Girls Shelter in Guinea
Kindia, Republic of Guinea
The Girls Shelter in Guniea is a project vision of Pathways To Peace (PTP) and their partners, War Against Poverty in Guinea, to end the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kindia, Guinea within one generation. One of the steps in their ongoing effort is to continue to provide Shelter for Girls who are homeless as a result of bravely saying “no” to FGM. In this 2,000-year-old culture, 97% of girls in Guinea have become victims of this tortuous, traumatic and dangerous practice. The practice of FGM is deeply engrained in the culture with Guinea having the second highest rate of FGM in the world. This project envisions a change in Kindia that can, and will, positively impact girls and women now and into the future.
Through the support of the Purpose Earth grant, the project will continue to provide the critical needs for the girls and their safety, while offering funding for their ongoing health and education. The Girls Shelter gives these girls a safe place to sleep and food to eat, and is designed to assist them in bettering their lives so they can become leaders and community contributors. Through education, counseling, and loving support, the girls are able to dream and achieve a better life for themselves without being ostracized in their community or forced into child marriage. As healthy, educated, and contributing members of their community, the girls served by the Shelter will become leaders and advocates for other girls, thereby ending this torturous practice.
“Following one of the community presentations, two young girls came to our partners for help. These brave young girls had said “no” to FGM and were forced to leave their homes and families. As a result of community education combined with these first girls coming forward and finding support, more girls will find the courage to say “no” and will also need a safe place to go. The cry for help was so compelling that we could not turn a blind eye! So, we went to work! The two girls who came forward seeking help were the first shelter residents.” - Tezikiah Gabriel, Project Lead

Niger Weaving Cooperative

Beautiful Earth