By actively investing in the people and organizations working at the local level, we foster a sustainable and collaborative future on a global scale, whose ripple effect goes far beyond the local communities they serve.

Purpose Earth’s founders are passionate about the transformative impact of purpose-driven projects and financially support the operational and administrative costs of the organization at this time, allowing 100% of your donation to go directly to our grant recipients.

Purpose and passion can transform the world. Join us today in supporting the people and projects with creative solutions to our global challenges.

An In-depth
Application Process

Our annual grant application is open for submissions in July with a deadline at the end of August. The review and vetting process is then completed at the start of January, when we announce our new Purpose Earth grant recipients.

The Purpose Earth grants council committee reviews all applications and thoroughly vets each project in the decision making process.

References, project goals and budget proposals are required when submitting an application.

Once a Purpose Earth grant is awarded, a mentor is assigned to each grant recipient personalized to their needs, and regular check-ins are scheduled for project updates. When possible, an onsite project visit is arranged.

“Thank you, Purpose Earth, for funding our project. Wambulishe Community have reasons to smile today; children and women don’t have to walk long distances in search of water, clean water in almost every household will substantially reduce prevalence of water borne diseases in the area, and there’s a general improvement of livelihood.”

- Patrick Oyale, Project Director,  Wambulishe Water Project in Kakamega County, Kenya
Building Lasting

Purpose Earth is dedicated to the power of building relationships through mentorship to sustain and empower our grantees alongside our grant funding. Many grant recipients have formed close working relationships with Purpose Earth, sharing their experiences and wisdom with our community and fellow project leaders.

In this joyful reciprocity, Purpose Earth supports visionary leaders activating change in their local communities, creating a transformative ripple effect around the world.

A Framework Supporting
Real-World Impact 

Three Purpose Pillars create the framework of Purpose Earth’s grant and mentorship program. Each pillar is essential for a thriving planet. By nurturing collaboration and community, within and among these sectors, we will accelerate real-world impact.

Environmental Protection

Community Activation

Cultural Collaboration

Community-driven change starts with having access to resources and collaborative support. Stand with us in empowering leaders and their transformative visions. 

To-date, Purpose Earth has been able to award over $388,000 to 43 grant recipients in 24 countries around the world. And there’s so much more we can do!

With 100% of your donation going to Purpose Earth grant recipients, you're able to amplify the missions of purpose-driven projects and strengthen our human connection in profound ways.

Become A Purpose Earth Champion

Join our Champion monthly giving program and amplify your reach in supporting world-changing projects with creative solutions for Environmental Protection, Community Activation and Cultural Collaboration.

What you'd pay each month for a mid-morning coffee or tea can create a powerful ripple effect of positive change.

As a Purpose Earth Champion, you'll also be invited to online community meet-ups and receive monthly behind-the-scenes updates in your inbox about how your generosity is making an impact.

Just choose “monthly” when making your donation and you’ll be part of the Champion community!