School Bus for Children with Autism
Capetown, South Africa
There are few schools for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) available in Cape Town, South Africa. As a result, children are having to travel long distances and often, families lack access to transportation. These challenges prevent many families from being able to accommodate their children’s specific educational needs.
Autism affects four major areas of development: language and communication, social interaction, thinking and behavior, and sensory processing. This project will provide transport to children with ASD, providing comfortable transport underpinned by stress-calming measures to ensure a productive learning experience at school and overall safety when commuting.
Through the support of a Purpose Earth grant, the School Bus for Children with Autism project will be able to purchase a minibus and the special ASD-friendly seat harnesses for each of the seats. This financial support will also provide noise reduction headphones and ASD friendly toys for each of the passengers.
“Traveling to school is among the first activities for the day and sets the tone for learners' time at school. Therefore, it's important to create suitable traveling conditions that can positively impact their school activities for the day. This creates a positive impact on their families as well.” – Cesar Habimana, Project Lead

Transforming the Environment, Transforming Lives

The Capacity-Building Program for the Unemployed Living With Disabilities